The Game Modes

Star Wars: Battlefront features three ways to play: a historical campaign that covers the Clone Wars or the Galactic Civil War, Galactic Conquest, or Instant Action. The historical campaigns follow the basic plots of the prequel and original trilogies, moving from planet to planet in chronological order. For example, the Galactic Civil War opens on Tatooine, since that’s the planet where Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope begins.

As you complete a mission in one of the historical campaigns, you open it up for use in Instant Action, which allows you to simply choose a map, select a faction and start the battle. Some of the historical missions also unlock concept art, stills, storyboards, and other behind-the-scenes goodies from the making of the game.

Galactic Conquest presents you with eight galactic maps to choose from, four from the original trilogy and four from the prequels. Each map displays a series of planets. When you select a world, you go to war against the other side to gain control of it. Battlefront only allows the Rebels to fight against the Empire and the Clone Army to battle the Separatists; you can’t mix and match.

Each planet in this mode offers a bonus that can be used by the side controlling it. However, to take over an enemy planet, first you have to win a battle there to turn its status to “Contested” and prevent either side from using its bonus, then win another one to assume control. Four worlds offer ultra-powerful bonuses that you can implement once you’ve won four battles (not necessarily in a row). Three of them overthrow an enemy-controlled planet while the fourth brings the dreaded Death Star into action and demolishes a world.

Other Bonuses


After every battle, the game gives out awards to the players who meet certain criteria. Some of them are dubious distinctions, however.
Cockpit view Cloud City.

I Have You Now. The view from a TIE Fighter cockpit.

Troppers storming ice caves.

Imperial Troops Have Entered the Base. The Empire’s deadly stormtroopers charge through an ice cavern on Rhen Var.

Han Solo frozen.

Permanent Fixture. Little details from the movies abound in every map.

Pet monster with big teeth.

Stay Away From This Guy. Jabba the Hutt’s Rancor likes to snack on combatants from either side.

Tips and Tricks
System Requirements
