Beyond the Box
While many games offer the ability to modify their content, The Sims 2 is the type of release that practically demands it. The official Sims 2 Web site offers many megabytes’ worth of custom-made Sims, houses and objects that you can download and use in your stories. You can also upload anything you create and share it with other players, as well as start your own blog page where you can post your stories.
The Sims.
Tips, Tricks and Cheats
The Sims 2 box

You’ll discover plenty of little quirks as you play the game, but here are a few tips to get you started:

The Codes

motherlode — Gives 50,000 Simoleons

kaching — Gives 1,000 Simoleons expand or contract the cheat window

help — all — Lists all available cheats. (There are many more cheats than we’ve listed here, but most of them deal with very esoteric changes, such as disabling the ability to raise and lower floor tiles.)

slowmotion X — Make your Sims move at a different speed. Replace “X” with a number between 0 and 8, where 0 is normal game speed and 8 is the slowest.

stretchskeleton — Make your Sims larger or smaller, depending on which body type they possess now: larger Sims become smaller and vice-versa.

moveobjects on/off — Use “on” if you want to be able to move previously un-moveable objects and “off” if you want to cancel the cheat.

aging on/off — Halt the aging process or start it again.

intProp maxNumOfVisitingSims X — Raise the limit on the number of Sims you can invite to a party. Replace “X” with the number you want to invite. The more the Simier, er, merrier.

social_debug — Enables you to see the result of a social interaction before you choose it.

deleteallcharacters — Available only in Neighborhood view, this cheat allows you to delete every Sim in that neighborhood.

terraintype (desert/temperate) — Also available only in Neighborhood view, this cheat enables you to switch between the two terrain types.

faceblendlimits on/off — You can turn off the corrections the game makes when two Sims have a child, which can result in some weird-looking kids. Luckily, you can reactivate this.

Prowler in the bedroom.

Larry Soon Gave Up on the Bed Thief Angle. Hopefully you can learn how to deter burglars.

Sim town.

The Macro View. A look at one Sim town, where you can modify the scenery, if you wish.

System Requirements
