An Epic in the Making
Soldiers mounted on horses.

Rome: Total War covers the years 270 BC to 14 AD, while the Barbarian Invasion expansion pack takes you from 363 to 476 AD, with an option to continue through 1453, when the remnants of the Eastern Roman Empire, known as the Byzantine Empire, finally fell to invaders. In addition to the campaign found in each game, you can set up custom battles between various factions as well as head online and test out your strategies against live opponents.

Rome: Total War also lets you choose from many historical battles, allowing you to jump straight into some of the most important events in the Roman Empire’s development. While the main game is a turn-based one reminiscent of the Civilization series, battles are real-time strategy affairs that require you to constantly keep an eye on ever-changing conditions.

Simpson notes that the artificial intelligence used in battles is based on an existing engine, but, he says, “with the campaign AI, we started from scratch due to the radical change in going from the Risk-style map used in previous Total War games to the 3D map introduced in Rome: Total War.” Multiple difficulty levels allow you to take on computer opponents who range in ability from foolhardy to devious.

The historical battles found in Rome: Total War and Barbarian Invasion include:

Cheat If You Must

Stumped? Then you may need some help, thanks to the cheat codes that are commonly placed in most videogames. They allow you to, well, cheat and change the rules. This sometimes includes activating bonuses, unlocking secrets, and gaining access to new levels of gameplay.

To enable the cheats in Rome: Total War or Barbarian Invasion, make sure you check the box next to “Activate RomeShell” in the Advanced tab of the dialog window that appears when you launch the game. While playing, press the tilde (~) key to bring up the console.


The Codes

create_unit “general’s name” “unit name” # — Add a specific number of a certain type of unit to a general’s command (other sites host lists of units for Rome: Total War and Barbarian Invasion)

add_population “settlement name” # — Add up to 4,000 citizens to a settlement

process_cq “settlement name” — Automatically complete any buildings in a settlement’s construction queue

process_cq “city name” — Automatically complete construction of a city

create_building “city name” “building name” — Create a specific building in a city (for a list of buildings, see this guide)

oliphaunt — Summon a Yubtseb Elephant, an enormous pachyderm that crushes everyone in its path

jericho — Cause an enemy city’s walls to collapse

add_money # — Add up to 40,000 Denarii to your coffers

invulnerable_general “general’s name” — Make that general invulnerable

toggle_fow — Turn on or off the fog of war, which limits what you can see on the map

disable_ai — Turn off all AI

auto_win attacker OR defender — Enter this code when you see the battle scroll and have either the attacking or defending army automatically win

bestbuy — Units cost 10% less to train during a campaign

System Requirements
  • Mac OS X version 10.5.8
  • 1.6GHz Intel processor (PowerPC G5 processor supported with patch)
  • 512MB of RAM
  • 128MB video RAM (GMA graphics cards with shared RAM supported)
  • 5GB hard disk space
  • DVD-ROM drive
